Asst. Professor Hussein Hadi Hussein

Date of Birth




General & Specialist

Civil Engineering - Geotechnical Engineering


University granting the Degree

University of Technology

Academic Title

Asst. Professor


College of engineering

Academic work Experience:


  1. Lecturer at the Civil Engineering Department / University of Technology.
  2. Lecturer at the Civil Engineering Department / College of Engineering / University of Karbala.
  3. Faculty Member at the College of Engineering / Al-Hussein University College.
  4. Head of the Civil Engineering Department (4 years) at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa  / Holy Karbala (2017–2021).
  5. Assistant Dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa  / Holy Karbala (2021–2022).
  6. Representative of the Academic Staff at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa  / Holy Karbala (2017–2022).
  7.  Dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa  / Holy Karbala (June 2022 – November 2022).
  8. Faculty Member at Al-Israa University College (November 2022 – September 2023).
  9. Dean of the College of Engineering at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa  / Holy Karbala (September 2023 – present).



Scientific research, books, and other publications:


1.      "A Correlation Between Dynamic and Static Pile Load Test Results",: Eng. & Tech. Journal, Vol.27, No.15, 2009.

2.      "Behavior of Modeling Piled-Raft System in Sandy Soil under Vertical Load " Published paper in the 2nd International Conference on Buildings, Construction and Environmental Engineering- BCEE2, 17-18 October 2015 Beirut, Lebanon.

3.      "Theoretical Verification for Full-Scale Tests of Piled Raft Foundation", Conference: International Congress and Exhibition" Sustainable Civil Infrastructures: Innovative Infrastructure Geotechnology" : Advances in Analysis and Design of Deep Foundations pp 200-212, At: Springer, Cham, July 2017.

4.      "Full Scale Model Static Tests with Analysis of Piled Raft Foundation in Sandy Soil under Vertical Load". (Sent). March 2020 IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 737DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/737/1/012102Conference: 4th International Conference on Buildings, Construction and Environmental Engineering 7-9 October 2019, Istanbul, Turkey At: Istanbul, 2019.

5.      "Behavior of grouting pile in sandy soil" March 2020 IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 737 ,Conference: 4th International Conference on Buildings, Construction and Environmental Engineering 7-9 October 2019, Istanbul, Turkey At: Istanbul License CC BY 3.0

6.      "Assessment of load capacity of piles and conclusion of a new criterion using static load tests , "(Journal of Physics: Conference Series , 2021, 1973(1), 012205).

7.      "The behavior of piled raft foundation in loose sandy soil" , Journal of Physics: )Conference Series, 2021, 1973(1), 012208(

8.      "The Behavior of Piled Raft System in Sandy Soil Subjected to Vertical Load by using Dynamic Load Tests" (The 2nd Al-Muthanna International Conference on Engineering Science and Technology (MICEST) 2022).

9.      "Analysis of Piled Raft Foundation with Different Piles Length, Dimensions and Type of Load using Field Tests and 3D- Analyses". (The 2nd Al-Muthanna International Conference on Engineering Science and Technology (MICEST) 2022).

10.  "Analysis of Static Tests of Field Results of Precast Driven Piles". AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023, 2839(1), 030014

11.  "The Conduct of Piled Raft System in Sandy Soil Exposed to Vertical Load by Using Dynamic Load Tests". AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023, 2806(1), 040013.

12.  "Analysis of Piled Raft Foundation With Different Piles Length, Dimensions and Types of Load Using Field Tests and 3D- Analyses". AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023, 2806(1), 040019.

13.  "Evaluation of gene expression programming to predict the local scour depth around a bridge pier" Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC), Volume 16, Issue 2, April 2021 ,1232 – 1243.

14.  "The effect of climate change on groundwater recharge in unconfined aquifers in the western desert of Iraq" (Groundwater for Sustainable Development Volume 16, February 2022, 100700

15.  "Evaluation of Gene Expression Programming and Artificial Neural Networks in Py Torch for the Prediction of Local Scour Depth around a Bridge Pier". Results in Engineering Volume 13, March 2022, 100353

16.  "Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Train-Induced Vibration with Special References to Track Irregularities and Soil Stiffness". Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, 2025, 12(1), 3

17.  "Analysis of squeezing-induced failure in a water tunnel and measure of rehabilitation: A case study of Tishreen tunnel", Syria. Deep Underground Science and Engineering., 2024

18.  "Geogrid reinforcement for improving bearing capacity and stability of square foundations". Open Engineering., 2024, 14(1), 20240021

19.  "Studying the lateral displacement of retaining wall supporting sandy soil under dynamic loads". Open Engineering., 2024, 14(1).

20.  "Optimum hydraulic design of cut-off under hydraulic structures using the simulation–optimization method". Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 2023, 9(1), pp. 493–505

21.  "Projections of precipitation and temperature in Southern Iraq using a LARS-WG Stochastic weather generator". Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 2022, 128, 103224.

22.  "Application of the Coupled Simulation–optimization Method for the Optimum Cut-off Design Under a Hydraulic Structure". Water Resources Management., 2022, 36(12), pp. 4619–4636


Professional Bodies/Professional Recognition:


  1. Member of the Iraqi Engineers Union (Consultant)
  2. Member of the Arab Engineers Union (Consultant)
  3. Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
  4. Member of the Iraqi Scientific Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
  5. Member of the International Scientific Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
  6. Member of the Iraqi Association for Project Management
  7. Member of the Iraqi Academics Union

Courses taught:


  1. Engineering Drawing (AutoCAD)
  2. Mathematics
  3. Engineering Geology
  4. Engineering Mechanics
  5. Concrete Technology
  6. Soil Mechanics
  7. Foundation Engineering
  8. Numerical and Engineering Analysis

Courses, seminars and workshops Delivered:


  1. Using Grouting Piles for Strengthening the Foundations of Historical Buildings
  2. Methods of Executing Concrete Piles (Bored and Driven Piles)
  3. Methods of Executing Steel Piles (Pipe and H Piles)
  4. Techniques for Treating Problematic Soils
  5. Assessment of Pile Bearing Capacity Using Various Methods
  6. Utilizing Modern Techniques in Pile Testing and Bearing Capacity Assessment
  7. Modern Teaching Methods


  1. Current State of Bridge, Pile, Tunnel, and Infrastructure Implementation in Iraqi Cities
  2. Assessment of Pile Bearing Capacity Using Static and Dynamic Testing
  3. The Effect of Earthquakes on the Bearing Capacity of Pile Foundations


  1. Treatment of Collapsible Soils in Iraq
  2. Comparison Between Static and Dynamic Testing for Concrete and Steel Piles
  3. Applications of Micro Piles in Foundation Strengthening